Week 2 Review
A solid week for weight loss (and the diet to support doing that properly) but not as much training as I would have hoped for.
Weight change: LOST 1.3 kg (Remaining: 6.7 kg)
Training: 1 x Tempo 8.5k, 1 x parkrun 5k
5k Benchmark: 22:29
I’m happy with the continued weight loss, especially as it had to be done amongst the ‘challenges’ of going out for our Anniversary meal, and going away for several days to participate in the UK Games Expo. These changes in routine are always where it can be a little too easy to go off the rails.
However, I only put in one training run (Tempo) and a parkrun (c/o Arrow Valley). The parkrun was valuable, as I ran this one solo without the toddler in the buggy, so was able to get a benchmark 5k time. It’s not very pretty right now but helps me understand where I am.
This coming week I need to step up the training a bit (still mostly concentrating on baseline fitness) so that I am working on both sides of this challenge.