Speed training: Back on the track!
It was my return to the track after a bit of a break last night. Predictably, if I am going to hit my sub-twenty minute 5k target, there is more to it than tempo running and losing a bit of weight.
Today’s session (Thanks Coach Sam and Waverley Harriers!), after the usual warm-up was:
- 5 x 2 minute fast runs (30 second recovery breaks)
- 8 x 1 minute fast runs (also with the 30 second recovery breaks)
The expectation was that every run should be faster than your usual 5k pace, with the second set being faster than the first set.

Although I am still working on regaining speed, I felt pretty strong on this, particularly on the second set where I regained a lot of lost ground. This included feeling my ‘kick‘ was returning on the second set.
I need to keep up regular speed and hill training as part of my goal. At the same time, I must not neglect slow runs (Thanks Dave for pointing this out!) as they are a key part of training as well…